We are pleased to share that a paper authored by ISTD PhD students Li Dongrui, Tomomasa Yamasaki and Assistant Professor Wang Bo received the Best Paper Award at ISLPED 2023. The paper titled “LAXOR: A Bit-Accurate BNN Accelerator with Latch-XOR Logic for Local Computing” is a joint work with A*STAR and Assistant Professor Chen Niangjun from the ISTD Pillar. Prof Wang Bo is the PI of the project which is about developing energy-efficient accelerator architectures for Deep Neural Networks by breaking through von Neumann architecture with compute-in-logic paradigm.
ISLPED (ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design) is a prestigious conference for innovative research in all aspects of low power electronics and design, and only top 2% of the submitted regular papers were selected for the award this year. The award the team received is for the Artificial Intelligence Track and only 1 paper received this award in the track.